Posts tagged Toxins in deodorant

The End of the Great Deodorant Dilemma

Death by Lavendar

Ok, tell me… how many different natural deodorants have you tried? Have you found “the one”? Or like me, did you give up? Seems like an impossible task doesn’t it? You are totally bluffing if you tell me that salt crystal worked for you.

First of all, Kudos to any company trying to spare us from the long list of TOXIC ingredients in regular store bought deodorants and antiperspirants. Even if they don’t work that great. Why? Because:

Aluminum –  Is linked to breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men and Alzheimer’s disease

Parabens – Disrupt our hormonal balance leading to early puberty in children and an increased risk of hormonal cancers. Also cause birth defects and organ toxicity

Propylene glycol – Causes damage to the central nervous system, liver and heart.

Phthalates – Cause a high risk of birth defects. They disrupt hormone receptors as well as increase the likelihood of cell mutation.

Triclosan – Is actually classified as a pesticide and is carcinogenic. It brings down immunity so it’s not wise to use disinfectants or hand sanitizers with this hazardous chemical.

All of the above and more can be found in the mainstream deodorants. The dangers are certainly no “SECRET” and I am one of the growing many that are ALL for ditching these types of deodorants, but I just don’t like throwing away money on natural products that don’t work, over and over.

I have tried so many “better” deodorants over the past few years. I either felt the perspiration after a half hour or it just didn’t work well to control odor. The one thing for “SURE” is that my confidence takes a dive if I feel I smell. No one that I know wants to be smelly! Toxic brands make millions of dollars because unfortunately, they work well and are cheap. It may be cheap and easy now to run with these regular brands, but it’s a high price to pay later, when we smell great but can’t remember our family members.

Vegans, you may notice that you smell a heck of lot better in general compared to your meat eating days, aside from deodorant no deodorant. We can attribute this to added greens detoxifying the blood and a lack of animal flesh having a heck of a time trying to be digested in our gut. Vegans tend to eat a ton of fiber which help things move along nicely therefore toxins are being removed easily. Superfood supplements such as Wheatgrass also have known benefits of reducing body odors.

With all that being said, I still enjoy the extra barrier a good deodorant provides. I am an active person who also works out, I happen to be in other people’s comfort zones a lot when I am cutting or coloring hair (my forever side job). My thing is, I don’t like sweaty pits – natural, whatever, I just don’t like it. Nothing had been working for me, so I resorted back to the conventional deodorant for the most part.

This gets complicated… I used the natural brand in the Winter if I were wearing a big sweater or I was staying home, and I would use the preferred store brand in the Summer or if I were actually going somewhere.  Sometimes I would apply the natural deodorant first and then I would apply the harmful one over it. I figured that it would create a barrier. Idk? I was not happy with this system. I became so aware of the dangers of deodorant that I basically just prayed each time I rolled it on. Mostly, I justified it with the fact that I eat well, so I must stand a better chance. Bad. Bad. Bad.

Within the last six months, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I just stated that I will find “the one” and then I let it go…

Fast forward to this past August and the veggie fest here in Naperville, IL. My friend and I came across a deodorant booth. Dare I try this again? They had a travel size, so why not? We both decided to try it.

I’ve been walking around surprised and happy ever since because IT WORKS! I can’t believe that I finally attracted the right deodorant! I know, it seems silly if you haven’t gone through the struggle yourself. When I asked my friend Mel about it, I was expecting her to say that she hadn’t tried it yet. To my surprise she did, and she likes it as much as I do.

I am sharing this review to save you from toxic overload if I can. Our bodies just work better when they are not in a constant battle! Trust me, we have enough to fight without rolling on more chemicals under our arms every single day. I don’t make a penny by reviewing this product or by you buying it. I wish I could/and sell it on my site, because I like it that much, but here is my basic review anyway, just because I care:

North Coast Organics Deodorant

There are two to choose from, Death by lavender and Revolver. At first I wasn’t sure about the lavender scent. It’s a woodsy lavender. Revolver, is more manly but I was told that many women like it. I went with lavender. The scent turned out to be perfect, and is much lighter wearing than you might expect.

It applies fine, now that I figured out I was dialing it up too high, which created a messy application. It needs to be just a tad over the level of the container. Then again, I only bought a mini to try.  My guess is that the regular size applies nicer. I will find out soon, because I placed an order yesterday. Either way, this product rubs in nicely using fingertips if need be, and I personally don’t mind doing that because the product works great!

I have used this deodorant these past few weeks during the heat wave without complaint. It also passed the anxiety test when my car decided to break down on a country road where there was nothing but cornfields. Oh, yeah, it was sweltering! My nerves were racked, but I smelled good. My armpits stayed relatively dry while I sat waiting for help, generally sweating, and pondering all the pros of moving back to the city.

The exciting view

If you compare these 5 simple ingredients – coconut oil, carnauba wax, cornstarch, baking soda, and essential oil to the 5 toxic ingredients I wrote about above,  switching is a no-brainer. My husband has been using Trader Joe’s brand and he says it’s ok. I don’t get it because that one does not keep me dry plus it has added cotton. Does that cotton have pesticides? I’m sure it does. No where does it say organic. Oh yeah, and it contains Propylene glycol among other crap disguised as harmless. Good thing I ordered my husband The Revolver.

I bet one could make their own deodorant with ingredients this simple, but I don’t want to make my own everything. I am a modern girl and I only have so much time in a day. I am happy to support a conscious company who will make a cruelty free product with packaging that is recyclable. They’ve also just been certified organic by USDA along with many other certifications. Good to know.

I am happy to have found North Coast Organics. Looking forward to any new products they may offer. If you know of any other brands of deodorant that amaze you, please share them with me in the comments. If you don’t, and are looking to lessen your toxic load and still smell your best, I recommend trying this product and ditching mainstream deodorant – like NOW.

You may not be used to natural products and you may be inclined to compare this to mainstream products in scent or application or cost or whatever… DON’T, because it is different. But different good. It works fabulously toxin and chemical free.

A friend of mine always signs off with “smell ya later”, I say… noooo thanks.

Good luck!

Find this deodorant at North Coast Organics

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~The Karmatarian

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