
Welcome to Karmatarian.com

Plant-Based Nutrition for the Body & Veganism for the Soul

Hello and welcome, I’m Christa Bouchez. I’m 41, and a Plant-Based Nutritionist from Chicago who values ethics as much as personal nutrition. I live with my husband and 7 year old son just outside of Chicago, and we absolutely love and embrace our vegan lifestyle!

If you are looking for me, look in the kitchen. I am usually there making sure my family has something awesome to eat! I grew up with fond memories of my mother cooking dinner every night, and our home was always warm with comforting aromas. I am so happy I get to re-create these memories for me and my own family, but with a vegan twist!

If I’m not in the kitchen you will probably find me in the gym. I enjoy fitness and weight lifting, and recently became an IFPA Pro – Bikini Masters. I did it 100% Vegan! Read about my first bodybuilding show here.

The Blog

It could be a shift in our DNA, an Aha moment, a spiritual ascension or just a plain old reality check which wakes us from a slumber. When we discover the truth… and when we are willing to be inconvenienced by that truth in order to become who we truly are, we may find ourselves VEGAN! I did!

It is my intention to inspire and help strengthen vegans on their spiritual path. If I happen to inspire a meat eater along the way…. awesome!

My Posts

My posts are everything from veganized recipes of family favorites to low-fat, whole food, plant-based recipes of which I became a fan, studying under Dr. T. Colin Campbell. I’m a huge fan of the film Forks over Knives. Their cookbooks have definitely influenced my style of cooking. I make it a point to cook this style 3 – 4 nights per week.

We usually enjoy a good variety. Around here, we do taco Tuesdays, home-made pizza Fridays and Pancakes on Sunday morning! I prefer a balance of fun and healthy. I gave up trying to be perfect, which is exhausting and dulls the spirit. One thing is for sure; no animals ever need to suffer for my family to live happy and healthy, especially in this day and age of information and abundance.

I also post other random musings as well, not just food ;)


I am fascinated with science-based reasons for living a plant-based lifestyle. It has been proven that a low-fat, whole food, plant-based diet is the healthiest way of eating and it’s more effective than anything else in preventing and reversing disease.

There is nothing nutritionally that can be found on a meat centered diet, that cannot be found on a well-planned, plant-based diet.

Even with all of the amazing findings to prove that a plant-based diet is superior, arguments go on FOREVER in the world of nutrition. I personally bring it back to kindness, choose kindness and you will always be right!

The Way I See Veganism

“Veganism is a mirror. It’s the ultimate expression of the soul’s awakening. I want my mirror to reflect kindness, compassion, and strength.” ~Christa Bouchez

About Me

I’m a mom, wife and friend. I’m a passionate, ethical and spiritual seeking vegan. I’ve been vegan for over 7 years. I’m a Plant-Based Nutritionist (NIU and Cornell University). I just became an IFPA Pro – Bikini Masters. I’m an options trading student seeking financial freedom to support my beloved vegan, animal and children causes.

I adore cows! Omg, what vegan doesn’t? Being vegan has stirred up my inner farm girl. I dream of farm sanctuaries! My inner city girl wants no part of that; she wants to open a vegan business of some kind. At this point, I’m not sure who will win.

I always seek personal and professional growth. I’m an Artist. I’m a long time and now part, part-time hairstylist. I love researching, especially food, nutrition and vegan topics. I admire animal rights activists and do the best I can to support them and the important causes they represent. Check out Sea Shepherd and the Cove Guardians! Those are some brave people!

Oh come on, there’s more… I’m a vegan food adventurist/foodie, label reader, food detective, tarot, numerology and metaphysical enthusiast. I have 20 years of kitchen inspiration under my belt. I’m a self-taught home cook, so I know you can do it too! I have a special place in my heart for elephants. I adore tea and dessert. I am really getting into essential oils. I’m allergic to bananas. Bummer. I know.

At last, I believe in the power of the green smoothie to whom I will forever be indebted for changing my life and health for the better. Oh and my friend Jinny. Jinny rocks! No, literally she was my ‘rock’ as I became a vegan. I am so thankful for her. Everyone needs support. I wish that for you.

I Like Quotes…

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”~B.K.S. Iyengar

My Biggest Challenge as a Vegan

Has been to balance JOY with the serious nature of what I know

The Reason I Blog is Because

“When you have the privilege to know, you have the duty to act.” ~Albert Einstein

 Follow me!





Thank you for your kind support,

May you honor your spirit and the spirit in all living beings ~ while eating and living consciously on life’s spiritual journey!


Christa Bouchez

~The Karmatarian

Ps. Yes, this is Karmatarian.Org. I recently acquired Karmatarian.Com so I’m switching it! Don’t worry, both web addresses will get you here!

Copyright 2010 Karmatarian – All Rights Reserved


The information that I share is not meant to be medical advice. Everything I write about in my blog is my opinion. I am simply sharing my own ideas and so it is up to you to seek out proper medical and nutritional advice for yourself.

6 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    @heyart said,

    Liking the site so far. Thanks!

  2. 2

    You are so wonderful sharing all your knowledge. You truly inspire everyone to become healthy! Keep up the great work, and I so thankful to have your website.


    Carolyn Burry

  3. 3

    karmatarian said,

    Awww, you are too sweet Carolyn! I really wish I had tons more time because I have so many great ideas to share but not enough time to make great blog articles about them. I am hoping to post more this year and hope to share more on my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/Karmatarian. Please like my page! If you ever have any great ideas or want to share on my blog, please let me know! Thank you for your nice comment.

  4. 5

    Surend Jundoosing ( SURENDRHANANDA) said,

    I am a spiritual writer while living in this material and illusiory world which in this people ignorantly want to make it a reality which will never happen be cause they already become slave to this mirage world.I always accept and practise and firmly follow my innerself and a believer in Ayurvedic, yoga and spirituality and complete veg after having experience, inspiration,aspiration and self awareness ,realisation in this rare human form. It is due to my more than 75 percent of my past karma, that I got the chance to be born in this rare human form so I here to go Him as Jesus says ” I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE”. I have got my books published USA,CANADA and UK. I am a universal man due to geographical determination I am born in Mauritius now I am in London where I spend most of my daily spiritual time.I am from a very large familly where is poor and rich ,literate and illiterate on the small Island a small world where you can how people entangle and attach themselves to this unreal material daily living. To end here I really appreciate and bless you as a spiritual mother and household wife as per your biography ,living in this hectic world where most women are getting lost in this era ,matter.Even in India where sages, Saints and God reincarnates, the women are living from bad to worst according to my recent research done when I was on my spiritual visit over there.Hoping to hear from you positively.Love and bless. We are all soul- mate. SURENDRHANANDA.

  5. 6

    Christa said,

    Thank you for taking the time to write Surendrhananda. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply. I appreciate your kind words. Blessings to you on your spiritual journey!


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